Thursday, November 18, 2010

2 days 'till Triathlon!

Since I last wrote (last Thursday), I swam on Friday - 16 laps.

After that, I was done.  My body was in a constant state of TIRED!!! It was time for a rest.  Which was a good thing, because that was my plan all along - give it my all, go hard on strength training and cardio, eat right, and back off the week of the Tri.

I have had five full days of rest, today is the first day I've done any exercise.  I was finally ready, but only swam for 15 minutes.  I timed my first five laps and that was somewhere around 9 minutes.  That is improvement (I think my last time was over 10).  Now, if I can only do that in the competition, I will be happy.  It's me against myself, really.  I've just got to stay calm and swim steady.

My original plan for this week was to run 15 and bike 15 also.  Due to major time constraints and parental health issues, I did neither.  I do plan to bike outside tomorrow for 15 minutes at some point, that's no big deal.  The running, however, I will save for the triathlon.  My knees are not well, still, and the plantar fasciitus is still acting up.  I do hope to do some major stretching or yoga tomorrow as well, that will help.

Jim caught me smiling to myself today and asked what I was thinking about.  "I'm excited about the triathlon!" was my reply.  I really am, I can't wait to do it!  It's so great to have goals to work toward when you're trying to be fit and healthy.  It helps relieve the monotony to change it up and make it fun.  To challenge oneself - to realize a potential never before imagined - gives a new lease on life, and as one ages, one needs that more and more!

1 comment:

  1. I'm more excited for you and Angela than I am myself! This is such an amazing accomplishment! For Mike and I's first one I took our pictures and medals and made a shadow box out of it! I always want to remember my first one!
