Saturday, November 6, 2010

My absurd morning at the gym

All set to be SUPER productive today, I got everything ready last night to bike, swim, and work out early this morning.  Trialthlon is exactly two Saturdays from today, I've gotta train hard and smart.  Tomorrow I'll rest, next week hit it hard again, and the next week will be VERY light, probably 15 minutes per exercise once, 3 different days.

Got to the gym at 6:40.  Guess what, it opens at 8:00 on Saturdays.  Blehhhhhhh....

In my need to comfort myself for wasted pillow hours, I decided to go for my beloved coffee.  And a sausage egg mcmuffin.  Well, I had to spend my time somehow!!!  I figure it was mostly protein, right?  I did enjoy a little peaceful time sitting in McDonalds - amidst all the old geezers. 

I noticed my biking shoes were non supportive of my flat arch (which was already hurting) so I made a run to Walmart.  I found some very reasonably priced orthodics with arch support.  Of course, I couldn't resist the wrinkle cream isle - nevermind that it has absolutely nothing to do with my workout.  I left with two pairs of orthodics and some night cream.

Of course, I had to insert the orthodics.  This took a little time, and I realize I was gonna be late if I didn't step on it.  My kids say I do this all the time.  No matter how much time I have, I always use up all of it and STILL end up late!

Returned to the Y, dashed to the locker room, realizing I still had my long pants on.  Jim had gotten me some very cool new fitness pants that are supposed to work out your legs 50% more when you exercise!  I was NOT forgoing those.  I searched for them in the midst of my jam packed duffle bag, stringing stuff everywhere - beach towel, goggles, ipod - bingo.  Quickly changed, stuffed it all back and crammed it in the locker.  Ran upstairs into an already crowded room, and bolted for my spot near the air conditioner.  "That's killer!!!"  An older couple in front of me were gesturing.  I thought they were complimenting my fitness level, but then the man said, "That bike is the hardest one!  It has more resistance."  Ah.  "Oh, that's ok, I can take it.  I used it last week."  I assured.  "Okayyyy..."  the lady said, looking doubtful.  They weren't complimenting my fitness level, they were insulting it!

The teacher was a sub, and not the same sub as last week.  This woman was HARD core!!!  We did lots and lots of sprints, each one longer and at a higher resistance level than the last one!  Last week's class ended after 45 minutes.  This week, at minute 45 she said, "Sit from stand at level 9!"  LEVEL 9?!?  I almost fell off the bike.  The song playing was "Cold as Ice", but this girl's very core was on FIRE!!!  This was making me wish for Vomit Hill! "Killer" did his job well.

Throughout the class I kept having the nagging feeling I'd forgotten something in that locker room.  I did a mental checklist of all my strewn stuff, questioned whether I put it all back, and then it hit me - I forgot to put the lock on my locker.  Yeah, that was it, I was pretty sure.  I spent the better part of the class with the niggling fear of someone stealing my bag - car keys, phone, ipod, one dollar, and all that other stuff I brought to workout with...

She finally let us out at minute 58.  Sheesh.  Dripping with sweat, I wiped down my bike, walked down the hall - now crowded with people on either side of me, waiting to get in for the next class.

Back in the locker room, I rejoiced to see I had in fact remembered the lock! So I hadn't forgotten anything.  Wonderful!  I strolled over to the mirror to see how bad my sweaty hair looked before my leg workout.  Moving past, I saw something white on my backside.  I backed up...the tag.  The tag that goes on the INSIDE of the pants...that is, when the pants are right side out.  I had just worn my new fitness pants inside out the entire class period because I jerked them on in such I hurry, I forgot to turn them right side out! I wondered why the hall people were smiling at me as I passed.  They weren't being nice, they just thought I was a ditz!!!

I turned them right side out.  I don't know if I negated that extra 50% fitness by wearing them inside out or not.  When I got home and told Jim the story, he said, "Well did the pants work well?"  "I don't know,"  I replied, "do they still work if you wear them inside out?!?"

I did legs and abs, and by this time I was dead tired.  Maybe it was that big run yesterday.  Maybe it was all the runs and all the P90 workouts of the whole, grueling week.  But I took one look at that pool after I was done and knew I wasn't goin' in there.  I would probably have drowned if I did. 

This week I ran more.  Biked once, swam once.  Next week, I need to do those more and still run.  Hmm...I'll let you know how that works out for me.

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