Thursday, November 4, 2010

Awkwardness - yet accomplishment - in the pool

First time back in the pool since Saturday's lesson with Wendy, lack of time and too much life being the culprit.

It was me, the pool, and the lifeguard.  Boy did I feel stupid doing my drills.  I still don't know what I'm doing!!!

1 lap warm up

4 laps with the claw thingies (I wish I knew what those were called)

4 laps with the buoy

1 lap on each side

1 lap kicking, holding board (that took forever)

3 laps holding alternating elbows in the air at different angles (this looked stupid)

6 laps freestyle

I embarrassed myself with the buoy.  Almost to the wall and misjudged the distance (the wall was farther away than I thought).  I bounced up grasping for it, missed, started to roll over (because the buoy was still between my legs), made a giant splash, and up popped the buoy out of the water!!!  I avoided looking at the lifeguard.  He didn't even have to pay for this show.

My stroke is getting stronger and longer.  I just wish I could think of everything I'm supposed to do at once!  Reach from way up in the lats.  Pretend like the elbow has a string attatched to it, pulling it up.  Make arms do most of the work.  Keep legs up close to the surface, make swift kicks. 

I'm used to swimming freestyle on the way up, on my back on the way down. I did my last 6 like that.  It's so much easier, I don't feel like I'm dying.  Not sure yet what approach I'll take on the actual day - it's only 5 laps.  Maybe I'll have so much adrenaline I won't even notice I'm doing it all freestyle.  Either that or I'll drown myself trying.

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