Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Me and my swim cap are NOT friends

Today was swim day!  I'm always excited to swim until it comes time to don the swim cap.  If I could swim without it, I would.  This sucker is made of rubber and it's TIGHT!  I get in a fight with it every time - a wrestling match, of sorts.  For a while, I would put my hair into a high pony tail so my cap wouldn't grab it on the way down and force it out the sides. 

I recently cut my hair, so it now doesn't fit into the pony tail - this is where the problem lies.  I grab the ornery thing, spread it wide with my hands, bend upside down, and try to mash it on while catching all hair inside.  No dice.  All the hair is sticking out the bottom and sides.  I finally just push it all up underneath the cap a little at a time. 

This cap also has the amazing ability to make me look as if I just received Botox injections.  If I don't pull my eyebrows down, they just remain up, or even worse - sideways.  The thing also puts a dent in my forehead.  Do you think it's time I invested in a nylon type?

Anyway, about the swim.

I warmed up with 6 laps - freestyle down, back stroke up.

1 lap kicking with the board

4 freestyle laps with the hand paddles

4 freestyle laps with the buoy

1 lap on my side

1 lap w/elbows pointing up (alternating, of course - there is the need to breathe and also not sink)

3 freestyle laps to finish up what I learned - POWER in the arms, reaching deep from the lats, carrying through with a high arch, using more arm power than legs.  Hey, I think I'm getting the hang of this!!!

Wow.  Maybe I'm not a lost cause in the water after all.  I think I finally "got it" mentally.

The one thing that bothers me is the temperature of the pool.  It was COLD today - usually it's heated.  That always makes me have breathing problems, it's like I panic at first or need more breath.  It occured to me that someday when I grow up to do "Big girl Triathlons" I will actually be in real lake water (which is cold) - so I decided to deal with it and use it as a learning experience.

I'm worried about the swimming part of the Tri now.  I get flustered when there are lots of people and moving, splashing water in the pool.  Also, if I'm trying to go fast, I'm afraid I'm going to panic a bit and lose my breath.  I've gotta figure out some strategy here.  Any suggestions???

I will finish with one final thought about the swim cap.  It didn't do it's job today.  I kept feeling a long hair across my lips.  I HATE that feeling - always thinking it's someone else's hair floating around on your lips - BLECK!!!  I finally checked and thank goodness it was one of mine - and yet, curse you, you stupid rubber cap!  Why can't you just do your job and let me swim?!?  Sheesh.  I'm def googling swim caps tonight.

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