Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bike day

We finally experienced some warm weather and Andrea and I took full advantage of it!  It had been so long that I almost forgot how to ride a moving bike.  When I first hopped on, I tipped over and had to hop off!  I hoped this wasn't a foretaste of things to come!

Today was my first time in the "Pits", which are worse than Vomit Hill.  We're talking roller coaster hills here.  Which is not too bad because if you get up enough speed on the way down, you don't have to work too awfully hard on the way back up. 

There are a few rough spots though.  Andrea and I worked hard at not clutching our handlebars tightly.  We were doing a terrible job, weaving all over the road, back and forth in front of each other! 

I cannot stand up and pedal to save my life.  Andrea takes it nice and slow, but if we're working on a hard hill I've got to pedal fast and just get it overwith!  I did a horrible job on my controlled breathing too.  My expert bike friend Luke told me tonight that I need to keep my shoulders back and my chest open so my lungs can expand.  I'll try that next time.

It was great cardio and my legs were toast by the end.  We did a lot of riding today, I'd say roughly 12 miles, maybe more.  Wonderful ride, so much better than sitting on a spin bike staring at a painted picture of a snowy mountain and listening to some person yell out orders!

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