Saturday, November 20, 2010

The BIG day!!!

There was little sleep to be had last night.  I kept jerking awake, heart slamming in my chest, scared to death I wouldn't be able to perform.  After tossing and turning, I got up at 5:00 and started "running around the house" to quote my family.  I didn't think I was being that loud, I only took a shower, got ready, and ran up and down the steps 75 times getting my ipod and a new cd together so I could transport some new songs onto it - to help me run faster.  Jim caught me as I was dashing through the intersection of our hallway and bedroom and said, "Well, are you a bit anxious, dear?!?"

We all met and drew numbers on each other - literally.  I was number 3 - on both arms and a calf. We each got a tongue depressor with our number on it and "S" "B" "R" on which our times would be logged.  We got a bag full of goodies - wow, I was going to use that gel protein stuff in between running and biking!  I had brought my super duper energy jelly beans (which I was popping profusely at 6:45 AM), but this would be a strawberry treat to spur me on!

Everyone got to choose which leg to start with, Andrea and I chose running - the majority chose swimming.  There was a designated reserved treadmill area and about 6 of us running.  Andrea was to my right, and a beautiful, long legged blond was to my left - running 7.2 mph.  Dude, I ran 7.2 once for about 5 seconds 5 years ago.  Talk about PRESSURE on the stubs!!!  Andrea wasn't helping matters as far as not psyching me out, either.  She accelerated to the sevens also!!! 

The paper they gave me when I signed up for the competition said we would need to begin the treadmill while standing on the sides, get it to desired speed, and then jump on.  I was freaking out about this just last night because I forgot to practice, and I could just see myself jumping on and flinging backwards, hitting my forehead on the running belt and being disqualified.  The guy gave us time to warm up, and once we were ready, we called out and he wrote down our time.

I jogged along at 5.0 for probably a mile,  moved to 5.5, and then played around, increasing and decreasing from 5.5.  It was incredibly hot (again), and my legs felt like lead.  I finally backed it off to 5 for a few minutes, increasing once again. I desperately needed a drink of water, but was afraid to decrease to grab my bottle.  Jim and the girls showed up with a surprise -  the three of them had shirts that said "Team Ruthie" in an emblem that resembled a steel plate!  It was awesome!  He had done it as an early birthday present for me.  If only I wasn't dying with my seemingly 200 pound lead weight legs churning, knees burning, and gasping for air, I would've been more appreciative of the gesture!  "I'll get out of your way and let you finish, I know how you are when you're running."  He's right, I hate anyone being up in my business when I run.  I finally turned it down and walked at 4.0 my last couple of minutes.  Sad, I know - 28.10 -  not even as fast as my fastest practice time - 26.25!  But, 14 seconds faster than my first practice doing the whole triathlon - that was something. 

I finished, got my tongue depressor, tried to acknowledge my family, their happy faces and their rockin' shirts - but my face was red, my body was already tired, and I wondered if I could actually finish this thing. 

I was slow in transition, taking a few minutes to change into bike pants, moving like a turtle, grabbing a drink and some fitness gum.  I had one of my girls hold my strawberry power gel - then forgot all about it and set off for the bike. 

The swimmers were here, Wendy (who worked with me in the pool), Andrea, and many others, including the teachers who had heard about "Team Ruthie"! People I didn't even know were saying, "Oh, YOU'RE Ruthie!" I felt like a celebrity, thanks to my sweet, thoughtful and supportive husband.

Contrary to what I originally thought, the course was NOT all flat.  Every mile was a level increase.  We did only go to level 6, but since my lead stubs were BURNING like fire, this was no easy feat!  Some guy from Fox News showed up right then with his camera, wow what a glamor moment.  My face was all red from exertion, hair completely soaked.  Can't wait to see that on TV tonight.  Towards the end the teacher made a competition between myself and a 27 year old girl,  we were neck and neck.  It was kind of fun and broke the monotony.  The girl beat me by just a few seconds - but she had started before me.  I beat her time.  Did you hear that?  I'm 46 years old tomorrow, and I beat a 27 year old.  Go me!!!

I went to don my glamour cap, relieved to swim.  I knew this was going to be the easiest part.  A girl finished up, and then, there was just me, the pool, the four judges, and my three fans.  And here I was all worried about sharing a lane and mowing down someone.

I was strong.  My arms, tris, lats reaching forward, a stronger swim than I've ever done.  THANK YOU WENDY for showing me the claws, the roll, and the form!!!!  Mind you, I did have to backstroke on the way back to catch my breath.  Each lap I completed I heard the judges and Team Ruthie yelling, it was exciting, and I was relaxed and ready!  Five laps.  Final time - best I've ever had, even in practice:  8:29!!!  If you've seen the pic of me in my swim cap at the end of the race (my 3 on my arm), I've got a grin a mile wide because they just told me my time.  I was ecstatic!!! 

Everyone got a medal, and there were no age divisions.  Wendy (1st) and Andrea(4th) were in the gold medal division.  I was two or three behind Andrea in the silver division (I'm a bit fuzzy on this yet, final results will be posted next week).  Final overall time:  65:16.  Remember way back to the second blog when I did my own personal triathlon to see if I could do it?  My time was 93:07!  I had improved in all three areas.

Finishing this triathlon is a special birthday gift to myself.  If I have to get older (and hey, it's better than the alternative), I may as well get BETTER, right?!?  Thanks to all of you for sticking with me through this blog, cheering me on, leaving comments.  We've come to the end of this blog, but stay tuned - there's another triathlon in January!  I will be creating another blog - possibly a general workout blog.  I'm open for suggestions - leave comments!

Friday, November 19, 2010

10 (pretty solid) reasons why I should back out

Ok it's time to panic.  Reality has set in.  I don't think I'm ready for this.

1. I meant to practice jumping on the treadmill while it's already in motion - I forgot.

2. I didn't run at all and haven't since Thursday a week ago.

3. I didn't get to bike at all.

4. I only swam once - for 15 minutes.

5. I forgot to get a new swim cap.

6. I can't find anything to wear.

7. OK I remembered my new fitness pants, but I just realized my knee braces are gonna look super stupid underneath them (you will be able to see every buldge).

8. I have to be there by 6:45 (AM).  I have been known to unconsciously turn off my alarm clock.

9. I should probably lose 10 more pounds first.

10. I don't think I can do this.

11. (Bonus reason) My swimsuit is really worn out now and not very professional looking.

If I do decide to do it, I've already laid out my new fitness pants so they're right side out.  Even if I perform poorly, at least my pants will be rockin'. 

That is "if" I do it. 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

2 days 'till Triathlon!

Since I last wrote (last Thursday), I swam on Friday - 16 laps.

After that, I was done.  My body was in a constant state of TIRED!!! It was time for a rest.  Which was a good thing, because that was my plan all along - give it my all, go hard on strength training and cardio, eat right, and back off the week of the Tri.

I have had five full days of rest, today is the first day I've done any exercise.  I was finally ready, but only swam for 15 minutes.  I timed my first five laps and that was somewhere around 9 minutes.  That is improvement (I think my last time was over 10).  Now, if I can only do that in the competition, I will be happy.  It's me against myself, really.  I've just got to stay calm and swim steady.

My original plan for this week was to run 15 and bike 15 also.  Due to major time constraints and parental health issues, I did neither.  I do plan to bike outside tomorrow for 15 minutes at some point, that's no big deal.  The running, however, I will save for the triathlon.  My knees are not well, still, and the plantar fasciitus is still acting up.  I do hope to do some major stretching or yoga tomorrow as well, that will help.

Jim caught me smiling to myself today and asked what I was thinking about.  "I'm excited about the triathlon!" was my reply.  I really am, I can't wait to do it!  It's so great to have goals to work toward when you're trying to be fit and healthy.  It helps relieve the monotony to change it up and make it fun.  To challenge oneself - to realize a potential never before imagined - gives a new lease on life, and as one ages, one needs that more and more!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Up at 5:30 AM to run on my treadmill.  3 miles, and every single mile was a struggle.  That is the last time I will run hard until the triathlon.  My body is tired and I can tell I am very close to overtraining.  I know the rest next week will do me good.  Two more workout days and then I'll take it easy next week until the tri.

My intentions were to do a full P90 chest and back workout but after I cranked out 20 pushups and 16 pull ups I knew I wasn't going there.  Running on fumes is not the way to do it.  I settled for ab ripper X and got halfway through it!  I felt like a weenie!

I have taken it pretty hard and long these past three weeks.  I haven't worked out this hard in probably three years.  And even then, it wasn't at this intensity level.  Running, biking, swimming, as well as P90X, that is the whole entire package and MORE!!!

So tomorrow I will swim again and do my drills.  Saturday is spin class, legs, and possibly a little swim. 

Sunday is rest.  One day early next week I hope to run 15, swim 15, and bike 15.  I may lift one day, but I will not go heavy.

Hopefully I will be rested and ready by Saturday, November 20 - the last day I will be 45 - for my very first triathlon!!! (Let's hope it's not the last!)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bike day

We finally experienced some warm weather and Andrea and I took full advantage of it!  It had been so long that I almost forgot how to ride a moving bike.  When I first hopped on, I tipped over and had to hop off!  I hoped this wasn't a foretaste of things to come!

Today was my first time in the "Pits", which are worse than Vomit Hill.  We're talking roller coaster hills here.  Which is not too bad because if you get up enough speed on the way down, you don't have to work too awfully hard on the way back up. 

There are a few rough spots though.  Andrea and I worked hard at not clutching our handlebars tightly.  We were doing a terrible job, weaving all over the road, back and forth in front of each other! 

I cannot stand up and pedal to save my life.  Andrea takes it nice and slow, but if we're working on a hard hill I've got to pedal fast and just get it overwith!  I did a horrible job on my controlled breathing too.  My expert bike friend Luke told me tonight that I need to keep my shoulders back and my chest open so my lungs can expand.  I'll try that next time.

It was great cardio and my legs were toast by the end.  We did a lot of riding today, I'd say roughly 12 miles, maybe more.  Wonderful ride, so much better than sitting on a spin bike staring at a painted picture of a snowy mountain and listening to some person yell out orders!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Me and my swim cap are NOT friends

Today was swim day!  I'm always excited to swim until it comes time to don the swim cap.  If I could swim without it, I would.  This sucker is made of rubber and it's TIGHT!  I get in a fight with it every time - a wrestling match, of sorts.  For a while, I would put my hair into a high pony tail so my cap wouldn't grab it on the way down and force it out the sides. 

I recently cut my hair, so it now doesn't fit into the pony tail - this is where the problem lies.  I grab the ornery thing, spread it wide with my hands, bend upside down, and try to mash it on while catching all hair inside.  No dice.  All the hair is sticking out the bottom and sides.  I finally just push it all up underneath the cap a little at a time. 

This cap also has the amazing ability to make me look as if I just received Botox injections.  If I don't pull my eyebrows down, they just remain up, or even worse - sideways.  The thing also puts a dent in my forehead.  Do you think it's time I invested in a nylon type?

Anyway, about the swim.

I warmed up with 6 laps - freestyle down, back stroke up.

1 lap kicking with the board

4 freestyle laps with the hand paddles

4 freestyle laps with the buoy

1 lap on my side

1 lap w/elbows pointing up (alternating, of course - there is the need to breathe and also not sink)

3 freestyle laps to finish up what I learned - POWER in the arms, reaching deep from the lats, carrying through with a high arch, using more arm power than legs.  Hey, I think I'm getting the hang of this!!!

Wow.  Maybe I'm not a lost cause in the water after all.  I think I finally "got it" mentally.

The one thing that bothers me is the temperature of the pool.  It was COLD today - usually it's heated.  That always makes me have breathing problems, it's like I panic at first or need more breath.  It occured to me that someday when I grow up to do "Big girl Triathlons" I will actually be in real lake water (which is cold) - so I decided to deal with it and use it as a learning experience.

I'm worried about the swimming part of the Tri now.  I get flustered when there are lots of people and moving, splashing water in the pool.  Also, if I'm trying to go fast, I'm afraid I'm going to panic a bit and lose my breath.  I've gotta figure out some strategy here.  Any suggestions???

I will finish with one final thought about the swim cap.  It didn't do it's job today.  I kept feeling a long hair across my lips.  I HATE that feeling - always thinking it's someone else's hair floating around on your lips - BLECK!!!  I finally checked and thank goodness it was one of mine - and yet, curse you, you stupid rubber cap!  Why can't you just do your job and let me swim?!?  Sheesh.  I'm def googling swim caps tonight.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday workout - no frills

Talk about a whirlwind day.  Work out is still the priority though, and I got 'er done!

Ran 2 miles on my TM

P90X shoulders & arms.

Challenged myself, sore already

Knees so tender and sore tonight, wish I could run w/o them bothering me.  They give out on me way before the rest of me wants to quit.  Hope I can do justice to the run during the tri.  I plan to do my big run (3.25 miles) on Thursday.  Well, it may not be big for someone with long legs and no knee issues, but it's a big deal to me now!

Tomorrow I SWIM!!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

My absurd morning at the gym

All set to be SUPER productive today, I got everything ready last night to bike, swim, and work out early this morning.  Trialthlon is exactly two Saturdays from today, I've gotta train hard and smart.  Tomorrow I'll rest, next week hit it hard again, and the next week will be VERY light, probably 15 minutes per exercise once, 3 different days.

Got to the gym at 6:40.  Guess what, it opens at 8:00 on Saturdays.  Blehhhhhhh....

In my need to comfort myself for wasted pillow hours, I decided to go for my beloved coffee.  And a sausage egg mcmuffin.  Well, I had to spend my time somehow!!!  I figure it was mostly protein, right?  I did enjoy a little peaceful time sitting in McDonalds - amidst all the old geezers. 

I noticed my biking shoes were non supportive of my flat arch (which was already hurting) so I made a run to Walmart.  I found some very reasonably priced orthodics with arch support.  Of course, I couldn't resist the wrinkle cream isle - nevermind that it has absolutely nothing to do with my workout.  I left with two pairs of orthodics and some night cream.

Of course, I had to insert the orthodics.  This took a little time, and I realize I was gonna be late if I didn't step on it.  My kids say I do this all the time.  No matter how much time I have, I always use up all of it and STILL end up late!

Returned to the Y, dashed to the locker room, realizing I still had my long pants on.  Jim had gotten me some very cool new fitness pants that are supposed to work out your legs 50% more when you exercise!  I was NOT forgoing those.  I searched for them in the midst of my jam packed duffle bag, stringing stuff everywhere - beach towel, goggles, ipod - bingo.  Quickly changed, stuffed it all back and crammed it in the locker.  Ran upstairs into an already crowded room, and bolted for my spot near the air conditioner.  "That's killer!!!"  An older couple in front of me were gesturing.  I thought they were complimenting my fitness level, but then the man said, "That bike is the hardest one!  It has more resistance."  Ah.  "Oh, that's ok, I can take it.  I used it last week."  I assured.  "Okayyyy..."  the lady said, looking doubtful.  They weren't complimenting my fitness level, they were insulting it!

The teacher was a sub, and not the same sub as last week.  This woman was HARD core!!!  We did lots and lots of sprints, each one longer and at a higher resistance level than the last one!  Last week's class ended after 45 minutes.  This week, at minute 45 she said, "Sit from stand at level 9!"  LEVEL 9?!?  I almost fell off the bike.  The song playing was "Cold as Ice", but this girl's very core was on FIRE!!!  This was making me wish for Vomit Hill! "Killer" did his job well.

Throughout the class I kept having the nagging feeling I'd forgotten something in that locker room.  I did a mental checklist of all my strewn stuff, questioned whether I put it all back, and then it hit me - I forgot to put the lock on my locker.  Yeah, that was it, I was pretty sure.  I spent the better part of the class with the niggling fear of someone stealing my bag - car keys, phone, ipod, one dollar, and all that other stuff I brought to workout with...

She finally let us out at minute 58.  Sheesh.  Dripping with sweat, I wiped down my bike, walked down the hall - now crowded with people on either side of me, waiting to get in for the next class.

Back in the locker room, I rejoiced to see I had in fact remembered the lock! So I hadn't forgotten anything.  Wonderful!  I strolled over to the mirror to see how bad my sweaty hair looked before my leg workout.  Moving past, I saw something white on my backside.  I backed up...the tag.  The tag that goes on the INSIDE of the pants...that is, when the pants are right side out.  I had just worn my new fitness pants inside out the entire class period because I jerked them on in such I hurry, I forgot to turn them right side out! I wondered why the hall people were smiling at me as I passed.  They weren't being nice, they just thought I was a ditz!!!

I turned them right side out.  I don't know if I negated that extra 50% fitness by wearing them inside out or not.  When I got home and told Jim the story, he said, "Well did the pants work well?"  "I don't know,"  I replied, "do they still work if you wear them inside out?!?"

I did legs and abs, and by this time I was dead tired.  Maybe it was that big run yesterday.  Maybe it was all the runs and all the P90 workouts of the whole, grueling week.  But I took one look at that pool after I was done and knew I wasn't goin' in there.  I would probably have drowned if I did. 

This week I ran more.  Biked once, swam once.  Next week, I need to do those more and still run.  Hmm...I'll let you know how that works out for me.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Running Day

Up at the crack of dawn to get the laps in.  Running more than 1 1/2 miles is still so hard with the knee issue and fending off the fasciitus. 

Did the 2.50 in 26.25 min.  Shaved off 2 minutes since the first time I ran it 2 weeks ago. 

Finished up running 3 in 32.13  alternately walking/running.

Did some plank and abs

Finished up with P90 stretch, really need it.  Lots of neck pain radiating from my back.  The workouts have really brought muscular definition back, but I'll pay the price if I don't take more time to stretch.  Did Yoga earlier in the week.  It's a MUST.

HOPING  to finish up my training week by an early swim before spin at 8:00 AM, then leg work out.  We'll see if I get outa bed in time for that....

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Awkwardness - yet accomplishment - in the pool

First time back in the pool since Saturday's lesson with Wendy, lack of time and too much life being the culprit.

It was me, the pool, and the lifeguard.  Boy did I feel stupid doing my drills.  I still don't know what I'm doing!!!

1 lap warm up

4 laps with the claw thingies (I wish I knew what those were called)

4 laps with the buoy

1 lap on each side

1 lap kicking, holding board (that took forever)

3 laps holding alternating elbows in the air at different angles (this looked stupid)

6 laps freestyle

I embarrassed myself with the buoy.  Almost to the wall and misjudged the distance (the wall was farther away than I thought).  I bounced up grasping for it, missed, started to roll over (because the buoy was still between my legs), made a giant splash, and up popped the buoy out of the water!!!  I avoided looking at the lifeguard.  He didn't even have to pay for this show.

My stroke is getting stronger and longer.  I just wish I could think of everything I'm supposed to do at once!  Reach from way up in the lats.  Pretend like the elbow has a string attatched to it, pulling it up.  Make arms do most of the work.  Keep legs up close to the surface, make swift kicks. 

I'm used to swimming freestyle on the way up, on my back on the way down. I did my last 6 like that.  It's so much easier, I don't feel like I'm dying.  Not sure yet what approach I'll take on the actual day - it's only 5 laps.  Maybe I'll have so much adrenaline I won't even notice I'm doing it all freestyle.  Either that or I'll drown myself trying.

Monday, November 1, 2010

My first spin class (and no, I'm not talking yarn here)

Since I last posted, I biked with Andrea over in rolling hills - and she found new barf hills/mountains for us.  I pretty much forgot all about my rhythm breathing and just focused on gasping my way OUT of there!

I've kept up the running - looks like I'm developing the onset of another plantar fasciitis - doing everything on the earth to keep from that.  Lots more stretching, wearing corrective insoles and proper shoes, blah blah blah.  Stupid flat arch!

Did a good round of upper body - P90X chest and back - lots of push ups and pull ups.

And then, there was Saturday.  Andrea and I decided to do a spin class, a swimming lesson, and a leg workout.  No wonder I felt like lying in a prone position all day long Sunday.

Wow, this was a big spin crowd!  The thing that surprised me about this class was all the older people.  And by older, I mean older than me.  Like 50-60's age!  This gave me hope in two ways.  One - I figured I could hang with these people and not be embarrassed.  And two - I wanna be just like them when I grow up!!!  Fit, healthy, having a zest for life!

I was beside the heating/air system.  Which meant I was in charge of running it.  One old guy told me to crank the air.  It wouldn't work.  I thought maybe he was gonna smack me with his towel there for a second!  I kept after it for the first 30 minutes of the class.  By then, everyone was yelling at me.  I had a theory that if I kept running the cool fan setting, eventually the air would start working.  On my tenth try flipping the switch to cool air, it WORKED!  Everyone noticed almost immediately.  "Hey, there ya go!!" hollered the old guy.  A few more echoed his sentiments, and vigor was renewed.

Now about the actual ride.  I was all about riding 12 miles as fast as I could to see how long it would take me.  You may recall that I rode a stationary bike in the gym, but it wasn't a spin bike, which is much faster and more comfy.  For this reason, I didn't submit to the teacher's commands until I had my 12 miles in!  It took me about 24 minutes.  That's less than half what it took me on that stupid bike in the gym!  What a relief!!!  The rest of the ride was very enjoyable, I really liked spin class!  I guess this winter when the snow is piled high again, I'll go for more of those.

Next, the swimming lesson.  I was pouring the sweat trying to get into my swim suit.  That was a sticky hot mess, but even more ridiculous was me trying to get my rubber cap on.  That thing always gives me fits, I've seriously gotta get a nylon cap. After mashing it on my head for the third time, I came around the corner with my hair sticking out both sides looking like Bozo the clown!!!  We had a good laugh over that.  Don't worry, I fixed it in the mirror.

Our friend Wendy gave us some drills.  She said the upper body should be doing way more of the pulling, the legs - not so much. This is the one upper body exercise in the triathlon and we want to take full advantage of that, saving the legs for the biking/running. For this reason, she gave me some yellow triangle claw thingies to put on my hands. These babies push back large amounts of water, which makes you go so much faster! It made my arm have a better arch because I couldn't push it through the water, I had to raise the arm up and plunge it into the water. Apparently the goal is to get the elbow way up and reach down through the lats. I was dying by my third lap, but my legs were happy!  They were tired anyway.

Then she gave me a buoy, and I had way more success with this one than last time.  But first I had to remove the yellow triangles.  Which meant my arms had to do more work (my legs were not to move).  At first I thought I might drown because I was afraid to roll on my side to breathe.  Once Wendy explained to me that it was ok to roll and breathe, I finally settled down and got 'er done.

This guy named Tom was there watching us.  He is the iron man legend of the gym (which made me nervous).  He gave me some great pointers and actually complimented my form!  Wow.  You've come a LONNNNGGG way since January, baby!

Well after that the leg workout was next - leg press, leg extension, hamstring curls, hip abb/abd, etc.  You get the picture.  I was dripping wet again (from sweat) and I'd already dried off once from the pool!

I went home very satisfied with my work for the day.  Also very happy to take the next day off! I took a MAJOR nap on Sunday!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Swimming or Flailing?

I've been swimming for about 9 months.  A normal swim day usually consists of anywhere between 16 and 24 laps.  I'm ready to step up my speed and my form.  Here is my sad story for the day.

Andrea and I met at the pool.  I had a plan from that involved a buoy and a board. The website said that if I do these drills they would help with my speed. I had brought the workout, but I forgot the mechanics.

I tried to explain it to Andrea, who just looked at me like I was a moron and said, "I'm just gonna do some laps."

Warm up - one lap (up and back), freestyle - no prob.

Now came the board.  I read on the website that the feet should paddle short and quick kicks, slapping the surface, and only about 6-12 inches into the water.  You hold the board out in front.  I was cool with that.  I just couldn't figure out if I was supposed to keep my head in the water or hold it up.  At first I tried keeping it down and taking breaths every few minutes but I began making an inchworm sort of motion and pretty soon the lap lanes resembled a wave pool.  I decided to keep my head up.

I felt like I was actually moving at the SPEED of an inchworm.  It was pretty hard stuff, lots of heavy breathing.  I did this for 2 laps - that's all I could stand.

Next, I tried the bouy.  I know it goes between my legs, I just forgot where.  I started off with it pretty high.  I couldn't remember if I was supposed to kick at all or just pull myself with my arms.  So I was kind of trying to kick and swim at the same time with this bouy between my thighs.  I stopped because it was so ridiculous.  I put it lower.  WAY lower, like between my ankles.  That lasted for two strokes and it popped up out of the water.  By now I'm sure the lifeguard thought, "This lady can't be for real"!!!

I put it between my knees and away I went.  I lasted one lap because my arms were about to fall off.'re supposed to take a stroke and bring the arm down to the side while one arm remains above, kick 6 times, bring the arm back up and do the other side.  I resembled a rolling walrus.  Couldn't breathe, thrashed around...nixed that one too.

There is a video on the website on how to do the turn around. To learn, do a flip facing the wall in the shallow end.  Gradually inch up closer to the wall until you are at an arm's length.  During the last part of the flip, you can push off the wall with your feet. I did this about 8 times.  I finally got close enough to the wall to shove off of it.  That was fun, but I'm not sure I can do that in the deep end!

I had read about proper swim form. To get in position, float on your stomach, body relaxed.  If your legs are sinking, you're not relaxed.  Arch the back a bit and tuck the stomach.  Or was it tuck the back and arch the stomach?!?  I tried it.  The legs sank.  I re-adjusted  - voila!  I took off, trying to keep this form. 

Time for some laps.  I can swim freestyle pretty well, but I'm afraid I've probably developed some bad habits along the way - like only breathing on one side.  I decided to try to breathe on my left side as well. More walrusness, as well as sinking and swallowing large amounts of pool water.

I finished my laps - ended up with 17. 

We only have to do five for the race.  Why am I making a big deal out of this?  Because I want to use proper form, improve swim time, burn calories, be fit, and be the best I can!  I think I need help. DUH!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Basement Workouts ain't all bad

After yesterday's day of rest, I was rarin' to get in that pool at the Y.  Alas, the school day was dragging on with no end in sight (although it was a very good and productive day).  By the time I could leave for the Y, the swim teams would be practicing and the huddled masses would be in full force.  I don't do pool crowds if I don't have to.  I didn't. 

It was down to the basement for me.  My trusty treadmill is there, complete with TV.  I also have a few weights, a mat, and a stability ball.  My bikes are there too - but it was raining, so running was the obvious no brainer.

This was my long run for the week.  The next two times I run will only be 1-2 miles.

Ran 3 miles - walked 2 minutes after miles 1 & 2, and after 2.50 & 2.75, 5-6 mph.

Did sections of a core workout with P90X

Worked some bis and tris

Total time:  1:30

Felt really good about this workout!  Afterwards, ate some Kashi cereal and some egg whites. (Not together.)

Glucosamine is my friend, keeping my joints lubed.  Taking daily doses.  Icing the knees tonight.   They were pretty sensitive today.

Tomorrow, I SWIM!  Woo hoo!!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

First practice

This is an indoor triathlon.  Some of you have expressed concern because of my biking track record.  No worries, I will be on a spin bike! 

So Friday I decided to do the whole thing on my own to make sure I could actually do it.  I was super excited!  (Also super excited that I actually could fit it into my schedule!)

We get to pick the order in which we want to do the triathlon.  I choose run/bike/swim.  Why get wet first?  After a swim, my legs always feel like lead anyway, why would I subject myself to even more torture?!?  Even though we will only run 2.5 miles, that will definitely be my toughest stint, because of my knee problems.  Running is 2.5 miles, biking - 12, and swimming - 6 laps.  (A lap is down and back one time.)

I took off running, ipod inserted, towel on the side, treadmill set on 4.5 speed for the stubby leg warm-up light jog.  The gym was like a sauna, and something I do NOT enjoy is exercising in a hot environment.  I had my water though, and I paced myself.  After the first mile, my legs felt like lead.  I could feel the knee tenderness just a bit, and I tried to mentally block out the time.  I had increased my mph after the first couple minutes.  Usually 5-5.5 is very comfortable for me.  I played with increasing the speed to 6, but didn't want to do any more damage, so didn't leave it there for more than a few minutes.  By 2 miles, the legs were warm and there was no pain.  Because of increasing speed, the cardio was getting a bit challenging, I paced myself for the remaining half mile.  I was glad when that part was over.  Time:  28.24 - lousy.

Next came the bike.  All set to go to the spin room, I took off, tried the door - locked.  Asked the girl at the desk if I could get in - no dice.  Noone goes in unless there's a class.  Now HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO PRACTICE ON THOSE BIKES IF I CAN'T GET ON THOSE BIKES?!?  Looks like I've gotta go back for a class now.  Instead, I took a stationery bike in the sauna - I mean gym.  It took me a few tries to get the seat where I wanted it, the straps adjusted, my form just right.  Actually, it took me about 20 minutes to do that.  I'm sure that affected my time.  The seat was very uncomfortable, and I missed my mountain bike!  By the second round of 20 minutes, I was focused, even going as fast as 130 RPMS and 16 mph!  Of course, by that time I was looking down, not forward, sweating buckets, just trying to get to the end of the uncomfortable seat!  Total time:  54:53.  Actually not bad for me, I've ridden 12 miles on my mountain and road bikes and it was always longer than that.

The swim will be the easiest part for me, as far as endurance.  A typical swim for me is anywhere from 16-22 laps, but never having been formally taught, I know I don't have good form.  I'm studying this now, and beginning tomorrow, hope to do some drills and techniques for better form and eventually, better time.  I'm not a fast swimmer, either.  I hadn't been in the pool for a couple of weeks, so the time was 10:30. 

Total time for my own personal Triathlon:  93:07.  I was tired and shaky, and won't go into the gory details of what happened later, but THRILLED to know I could do it!  And guess what - Saturday, I wasn't even sore, just muscle fatigued!  (I used that day to do upper body strength, it felt good!)

Jumping in with both feet?

My friend Andrea is always encouraging me to better myself.  She was the reason I did my first (and only) 5k a couple years ago.  Since that time, I developed a year long bout with plantar fasciitus, a torn meniscus, and Lyme disease.  The Lymes increased my knee pain and general joint pain throughout my body.

The comeback from the Lymes and torn meniscus has taken a full year.  It took a long time to even regain enough strength to do a weenie workout, let alone the kind of strength and cardio I used to do.  As a personal trainer, I had pretty high standards for my exercise regimen, but I had to drastically lower them to find a bench mark from which to begin.  I decided to try alternative cardio, so I took up swimming.  I've always been scared of water, so this was a great undertaking.  Once again, Andrea was there, cheering me on, giving me tips (I called her coach).  I couldn't believe how far I came in just a few short months!  My first day in the pool, I could only swim 3/4 of the way across before stopping, gasping for breath!  After four months, I could swim 24 laps in one setting!

Then came spring and summer, and I decided to learn to bike!  These adventures are mentioned in my blog "My Novice Mountain Biking Adventures" so I won't go into that here, but it has indeed been another new challenge to learn! 

I gingerly began to run on the treadmill again.  At first it was pretty painful, but I've been able to work through it, ice the knees, and add time each week.  I used to run 3 miles daily, 6 days a week.  That's not a lot to a runner, but you have to understand that I used to hate running.  I developed a real love for it, but I don't have the body of a runner (short, stubby legs)!  I can now run three miles again.  It is still a stretch for me, usually I run a couple of times a week, only 2 miles each time.

A couple weeks ago, Andrea texted me saying I should do the triathlon at the local YMCA.  I decided to try the route first, and if I did it, then commit!

In my next post, I'll tell how that went - my own personal triathlon in one afternoon!